Ways to support your students with Autism.
Minds AP Newsletter
Some Quick “Do’s” and “Don’ts” Pointers Regarding Creating a Safe Environment For Our Students with Autism.
Review and secure your home or classroom at school
Specifically address the common autism-related issue of “wandering”
If necessary, contact local law enforcement to ensure they’re aware of potential “wanderer”
Create an emergency contact form for all key people to have at hand
Develop an autism safety action plan and involve key individuals in its creation
Individual risk assessments are strongly advised especially in educational settings (offsite risks should also be considered)
Overlook the importance of an autistic person having identification such as medical bracelet or temporary tattoo
Forget to alert neighbors in advance if you have a child who makes attempts to wander
Forget to keep accurate and up-to-date records of contacts and other vital information
Underestimate safety as an essential part of the daily routine for an autistic person
This information was learnt in an Autism Awareness Seminar with other professionals in the education and social care field.